Car the system graso the necessary information in an instant i Can it perform highly reproductive clinical imaging? Can it avoid putting a heavy strain on examinees Anc is the environment taken to consideration/ A possible poro manus harden oracle tasa the reeds fin diagnosto maging. When all of these performantes ac curved rogetirer at a hig-dimens anal leve Open MR beacmestre PRIME.
ECC systern
The sday current rppression is crucial far alah and nigh quality Images
litachi has not only apoliec the eddy current suppresion technology to the magnet itsel oc also incoracratan an ECC (Endy Current Carroll fanct or which precicts and suppresses the generated edily current
High performance magnetic circuit Carpets and stylien gene se realized a strong magnette power of 0.4T. APERIO Luport has resized ang mago cualty by applying varikke tecrologise to the structure meleichs for the magnarchical, maling highlan In the uttalion of maoretic and av suppressing гле десетат оn of ecdy carens to a mirim.
- Field strength: 0.4 T
- Gradients: 25 mT/m max strength, 55 T/m/s max slew rate
- Patient table: Fully motorized, 225 kg weight limit, 15 cm left/right movement in gantry, and can lower to 49 cm
- One-pillar design, and eddy current free magnet
- Other features: Super Shim technology for spectral fat saturation, and highly sensitive solenoid receiver coils
- Fully non-claustrophobic open gantry of 320 degrees