Welcome to Viva Imaging Services.



Mechanical ventilation is a form of life support. A mechanical ventilator is a machine that takes over the work of breathing when a person is not able to breathe enough on their own. The mechanical ventilator is also called a ventilator, respirator, or
breathing machine. There are many reasons why a patient may need a ventilator, but low oxygen levels or severe shortness of breath from an infection such as pneumonia are the most common reasons.


Our Main Goals

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Viva imaging provides refurbished MRI and CT Scan machines in India, of superior quality and improved support.


Best practices for preparing to sell your medical equipments, so you can get the most accurate value and smoothest.


The entire machine and parts of the equipment have taken precision and accuracy to a different level.


Viva imaging offers diagnostic imaging solutions at the best value with the fastest turnaround.

Our Solutions

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